Okay, okay so maybe the trumpets weren't needed, but anything that makes me feel better about the "Duties" or "Doodies" that have been bestowed upon me is fine in my book.
Hey! Thanks for taking time out of your day (and if it is anything like mine, you have a child or two hanging off of your leg, maybe one is demanding your attention, or maybe, if you are lucky, it's naptime. If it is, enjoy it...naptime is a glorious thing!...and I'm jealous) to stop by and get introduced to this crazy little gig I am getting myself into.
I'm Molly aka the Duchess of Diaper Duty.
That's me. I showered and got ready that day. And if you are a stay at home Mama like me, you know how few and far between those days are. Anyway, as I mentioned, I am a stay at home Mama. I am 29...quickly sneaking up on 30 in August. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Advertising.....I mean, I guess I do. I haven't really used it yet. Meaning I haven't been lucky enough to land a job in the advertising business yet. But, there is a large piece of paper hanging....somewhere...that says I do.
I have been married for almost 7 years to this guy:
He is busy. I mean reallllllly busy. He works full time for a local university doing heating and cooling, operates his own heating and cooling business, is on the Board of Directors of the local sanitary authority, is a volunteer fireman for our community, and most recently won the primary for our Borough's mayor position. Because, you know, he already had a ton of spare time. But truly, he does it all for us. Well, at least that is what he says.
So, I said us. No, I don't have multiple personalities.....together that guy and I have two daughters. K1 is almost 5.
That's her. She's beautiful, witty, compassionate, stubborn.....just like her Mama.
K2 just turned 1.
That's her. She is silly, sweet, and veryyyy busy.....just like her Daddy.
We live in a small town about an hour South of Pittsburgh 'n that. (Pittsburghese for yinz not familiar.) When I say small town, I mean realllllly small town. Like, no street delivery of mail....UPS never knows that my street exists, everyone knows everybody, and if you are going to do something that you don't want anyone else to know about...welll....just don't do it. Because everyone will know. Within an hour.
So now you are wondering, "Why the heck are you blogging?" If I am honest, with you....I wasn't sure at first. But, then I figured it out. I wanted to share the everyday joys and bummers of parenthood with you guys, but add a touch of humor to them. Because sometimes, that is all that gets you through. In addition, I wanted to document my many Pinterest Fails and my handful of Pinterest Successes, share any tips or tricks that I run across that make parenting a little easier (anything helps, right?), and once I get this gig rocking and rolling, hopefully I can do some reviews of products and throw in a few giveaways. That way I can be the one hosting the giveaways instead of entering every. single. one. I come across.
So anyway, as I cruise along down this blogging highway, I invite you to leave your feedback. What you loved, what you hated, what you really wish I would talk about, or what you really wish I would shut up about (I may or may not listen). Take some time and like the Facebook page, Twitter page, Pinterest page. Anything you see with Duchess of Diaper Duty on it. Oh and share it too. But only if you wanna.
Thanks again for checking out the blog. And stay tuned for more entries. We are going to DC this weekend. I *might* just be doing a review of Georgetown Cupcakes, famous cupcake bakery from TLC's show DC Cupcakes.